A Public Service of Mark Kantrowitz |
Kosher Cookbooks
This comprehensive collection of kosher cookbooks emphasizes kosher
cookbooks that are still in print. Out-of-print kosher cookbooks were
included only when used copies are readily available through
or specialty cookbook web sites.
Older and out-of-print books are more likely to be found on Alibris
than on Amazon. The link from each book's title is generally to the
least expensive source for the book.
Some cookbooks are repeated in several sections. Within each section the cookbooks are generally listed in order from best to worst. Cookbooks that focus on traditional recipies but which include at least one treif recipe are segregated into a separate "kosher-style cookbooks" section.
The following advertisers have not been reviewed by the author of this kosher cookbook directory.
Kosher Cookbooks Copyright © 2006-2013-2007 by Mark Kantrowitz. All rights reserved. www.kantrowitz.com/cookbooks/
Suggestions and corrections are welcome and should be sent to
To have your cookbook included in this directory, please send a complimentary copy to Mark Kantrowitz, 4951 Brummel Street, Skokie, IL 60077-2879. Only kosher cookbooks will be included in this directory. |