A Public Service of Mark Kantrowitz |
About the Author
This directory of kosher cookbooks was compiled by Mark
Kantrowitz. Mark likes to take a scientific approach to experimenting
in the kitchen. Mostly he uses a generate and test method, also known
as trial and error. He tries varying the ingredients and their
measures until he discovers a recipe that tastes good and is
fulfilling. A good example is his recipe for sesame cold noodles,
which can be found on the Kosher Recipes
page of this directory.
Mark would like to thank his mother, Betty Kantrowitz, for sharing her collection of cookbooks. Mark is a picky eater, partly because of food aversions and diabetes he acquired during chemotherapy for cancer. His son has food allergies to eggs and chicken, further complicating the food preparation task.
Mark is the author of six books, although none are cookbooks.
His most recent book,
Secrets to Winning a Scholarship
The following advertisers have not been reviewed by the author of this kosher cookbook directory.
Kosher Cookbooks Copyright © 2006-2013 by Mark Kantrowitz. All rights reserved. www.kantrowitz.com/cookbooks/
Suggestions and corrections are welcome and should be sent to
To have your cookbook included in this directory, please send a complimentary copy to Mark Kantrowitz, 9808 Mountain Grove Court, Las Vegas, NV 89134. Only kosher cookbooks will be included in this directory. |